Homeopathic Vaccines - Nosodes & Titre Testing
Nosodes are a homeopathic immunization as opposed to a "vaccine". Nosodes are known to have been used in homeopathic medicine since the mid 1800s. They are a relatively unknown in veterinary field and are very controversial in holistic veterinary practices. Many benefits have been noted, including a decrease in the seriousness and frequency of a disease. Although nosodes are still controversial as a replacement for traditional vaccinations, evidence of their safety and efficiency is growing.
Nosodes are prepared by taking actual diseased matter from a sick animal. The preparation involves a lengthy process of succussion and dilution of the original matter using homeopathic protocols until virtually no molecules of substance remains. This then will render the nosode safe for use. The final product is a genetic blueprint of the actual disease.
Purchasing nosodes from a reputable holistic retailer are completely safe, easy to administer, and can be given to puppies much earlier than vaccines. Pregnant females can be treated with nosodes prior to giving birth, providing immunity to their litters before they are born.
Nosodes have no dangerous chemicals and additives whereas conventional vaccines do. Nosodes interact with the body’s energy reserves, giving positive and negative forces within the energy field and stimulating the body to turn heal and protect itself.
Nosodes when given, makes the body recognize the cellular structure and disease imprint, hence an immune response similar to actual having the disease itself.
Nosodes CANNOT be given with food or added to food. The procedure is no water or food half and hour before and after. No handling of the product itself whether it be nosodes or tablets. Put nosodes or tablets on a white spoon or clean white paper, if your animal doesn’t like taking then crush between white paper and then open the side of the mouth and tip the crushed nosode or tablet straight into the mouth and down the throat taking care not to touch it yourself. If you touch the nosode or tablet yourself you kill the the small amount of residue that carries the vaccine, you are trying to give your dog.
Nosodes and remedies are administered orally per a protocol that you will receive with your order. Make sure to read the instructions carefully!
Titre Testing
What is Titre Testing? The serum of the dog or cat is tested to check the immune response against the three main diseases they are vaccinated against. Your dog will need to go to a vet willing to Titre test and you mane an appointment for a blood test and this will be sent off to be tested externally. The results should be back within 7 days.
Nosodes are prepared by taking actual diseased matter from a sick animal. The preparation involves a lengthy process of succussion and dilution of the original matter using homeopathic protocols until virtually no molecules of substance remains. This then will render the nosode safe for use. The final product is a genetic blueprint of the actual disease.
Purchasing nosodes from a reputable holistic retailer are completely safe, easy to administer, and can be given to puppies much earlier than vaccines. Pregnant females can be treated with nosodes prior to giving birth, providing immunity to their litters before they are born.
Nosodes have no dangerous chemicals and additives whereas conventional vaccines do. Nosodes interact with the body’s energy reserves, giving positive and negative forces within the energy field and stimulating the body to turn heal and protect itself.
Nosodes when given, makes the body recognize the cellular structure and disease imprint, hence an immune response similar to actual having the disease itself.
Nosodes CANNOT be given with food or added to food. The procedure is no water or food half and hour before and after. No handling of the product itself whether it be nosodes or tablets. Put nosodes or tablets on a white spoon or clean white paper, if your animal doesn’t like taking then crush between white paper and then open the side of the mouth and tip the crushed nosode or tablet straight into the mouth and down the throat taking care not to touch it yourself. If you touch the nosode or tablet yourself you kill the the small amount of residue that carries the vaccine, you are trying to give your dog.
Nosodes and remedies are administered orally per a protocol that you will receive with your order. Make sure to read the instructions carefully!
Titre Testing
What is Titre Testing? The serum of the dog or cat is tested to check the immune response against the three main diseases they are vaccinated against. Your dog will need to go to a vet willing to Titre test and you mane an appointment for a blood test and this will be sent off to be tested externally. The results should be back within 7 days.